Thursday, May 30, 2013

Green Jobs Q&A: What exactly are "green jobs"? Why do they only exist in the imagination of liberals?

Question by turd furgeson: What exactly are “green jobs”? Why do they only exist in the imagination of liberals?
All this talk about “green jobs” and so little substance on the matter. What is a green job? And if it’s so important, why doesn’t the private sector (which fuels are whole economy) produce any of them? Why is it that the government, which creates unsustainable, wasteful programs that cannot exist on their own… the only ones that are talking about green jobs?

Best answer:

Answer by Invisible
Even former green energy czar Van Jones couldnt define what they are.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:exactly, exist, Green, Imagination, jobs, Liberals, ONLY, they


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