Question by Chryss: How do I get individual grants to start a non-profit private full inclusion school?
I want to start a full inclusion private pre-k through sixth grade school in San Francisco. I would like to build the campus from scratch in order to cater to children with special needs and also to make it a green building with an organic garden. Where do I start? Where can I get funding? I’m just starting by myself for now. Should I try to start a non-profit group first?
Thanks for any help and advice!
Best answer:
Answer by luckyme
To begin with…starting any business (even schools) you need a good business plan. The plan outlines the business, how much money you need to begin with, and itomize everything you need for “start up” or “seed money” – how much will everything cost, licensing, qualifications, design specs, location/zoning laws, goals of the business and various other plans for your business.
Private schools are very difficult to get funding for because they are private. In other words, people PAY for their children to attend a private school. So private schools automatically make money on tuition. Public schools are free. Also schools for children with special needs are actually easier to find funding for but, YOU MUST HAVE the credentials and qualifications to operate a “special needs” school. Be specific about special needs…physical disabilities, mental disabilities, learning disabilities, whatever the disability.
However, don’t give up just yet.
There is a group of retired business people (from ALL businesses including schools) that will look over your business plan, advise you where you CAN get funding, what to expect if the plan goes wrong and how to correct it before it’s to late, also how to improve on your plan. Anyone in business will tell you, WITHOUT a business plan 9 out of 10 businesses will fail within the first year.
Look in you local yellow pages or B-B listings (and, of course the internet) for these types of organizations.
Also, government grant money is available for more businesses, private or otherwise, schools, and a lot more. Check on the internet but be careful they are not just after your money. ASK QUESTIONS as to what these grants offer and what they expect from you for their money. (GRANT money is FREE, you do not pay it back) LOANS you pay back. Check out private foundations that give grants specifically for private schools.
Beginning any business always takes careful planning and research. Research how other private schools began. Research, research, research and double check the research.
Ps. Renovating, taking over old buildings, reopening closed schools are less espensive and will give you an “edge” to get the school up and running. ANY building, or or new, can be modified to be “green”.
I know this is a lot of information and you have an excellent idea, just do the RESEARCH and learn everything you possibly can about the type of school you visualize.
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Tags:Building, full, grants, Green, inclusion, individual, nonprofit, Private, School, start
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