Question by theplanetisalive: Can you keep palm fronds green once you remove them from the plant?
I’m going to put a layer of palm fronds on my tiki bar roof and i wondered if there was a way to keep them green. If not, no problem, but would be cool if i could.
Best answer:
Answer by Airboy Hoss
Unfortunately, once the leaf is severed from the tree, his green days are numbered. Your idea sounds great, but two things come to mind:
Plastic leaves (which will stay nice and green) will cost an arm and a leg.
Don’t be tempted to spray paint the leaves. This will create a potential fire hazard, and the risk outweighs the benefit.
Have you seen the new Carraba’s where they actually have live plants on the roof? It would be cool to incorporate at least a small part of this idea into your roof system. (Maybe a couple of concealed pots with live palms)
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Tags:from, fronds, Green, keep, Living, once, Palm, Plant, remove, roof, them
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