Question by burton235: Are the youth of today the most brainwashed in history?
They’ll believe just about anything they read/see on the internet without checking the facts, its so easy to fool them. I mean they all buy into global warming/green living movement (which seems more like a religion everday) while having no concept of how energy really works. They demand change NOW, and don’t understand the facts, or care, just plain ignorant. I am really worried as these people will one day rule this world – I just hope they don’t ruin it.
Best answer:
Answer by Best F
Without a doubt, the youth have the weakest minds of any in History. Yet, they actually think they know it all. Fortunately , I won’t live to see the ruin they will bring. So, I won’t care.
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Tags:brainwashed, Green, History|, home, Living, most, today, youth
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