Thursday, December 27, 2012

Green Living Websites New to being green...why do the commercials about water bottles say they are horrible for the environment?

Question by genie mancenie: New to being green…why do the commercials about water bottles say they are horrible for the environment?
I have always recycled but am now trying to be more green and wonder why the commercials about water bottles say they are so horrible. I thought they were ok and were being recycled? Is it really bad to use them if I recycle? I have a newborn and use bottled water to make his formula when I cannot pump. I do use a brita pitcher for my own water but I dont feel it is as clean as the sterile baby water. Also any tips for someone new to green living?

Best answer:

Answer by Kelly C
It’s not bad to recycle them. They’re just telling us that it’s better to use the bottles that like you just have at home and bring around with you, because even though it’s better to recycle the process we use to recycle things still lets out harmful chemicals into the air.

What do you think? Answer below!

Tags:about, being, Bottles, Commercials, environment, Green, green...why, horrible, Living, they, water, Websites


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