Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Environmentally Friendly Products Tree products used in environmentally friendly way?

Question by Natalie: Tree products used in environmentally friendly way?
What is a strategy that allows trees to be used for products in a environmentally friendly way?

Please &Thank You!

Best answer:

Answer by Old School
Not clear what you are looking for, so I’ll break it down into five categories, with an earth friendly eye:

1) Growing
Avoiding mono-culture stands, growing native species, ultra sustainables such as bamboo, pest resistant species, managing stands for selective harvest.

2) Harvesting
Using low compaction equipment, selective cutting over clear cutting, minimizing soil, undergrowth, and surface water disturbance.

3) Processing
Maximizing board foot per log yield with computer cut patterns, employing ultra thin blades, burning waste for energy.

4a) Products
Mulch, veneer, lower grade lumber, engineered products like oriented strand board.

4b) Alternatives
Metal studs, corn starch products, cocoa fiber mulch.

5) Recycling
Paper designed for recycling, ethanol production from wastes, reusing lumber in buildings.

This just scratches the surface, but maybe it will help you consider some different aspects of environmental sensitivity.

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Tags:Environmentally, friendly, Products, tree, used


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