Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Green Energy Live How green was Live Earth?

Question by Sarah M: How green was Live Earth?
You want to know the real answer? The truth is, is that it was more green that most other concerts. Sure, a lot of carbon emissions came from all their Live Earth concerts, but think about this: Every person that attended or watched it, has some new understanding on how to be green. Simple tips that Live Earth helped broadcast made it through people’s heads. Some might have been there just for the music, but with a simple thought in their heads like, “Oh, a flourescent bulb. It waste less energy, and saves me money. I’ll change my bulbs when I get home.”. Live Earth helped many attendees to understand how easy it is to be green, and why they should.

So they did release tons of carbon emissions, but at the same time, they were also preventing other tons of carbon emissions, from around the world, to be relased into the atmosphere. Sometimes you have to take a big risk to do something good. Here’s how green there really were: http://liveearth.org/?p=13

Who says just because you care about the environment, makes you like Al Gore or Democrats? Why can’t a person that actually cares about the enivornment, can’t stay on his or her side without Al Gore being mentioned?

I definitely do not support Al Gore. He’s a hippocrite. While Live Earth did have him, that was just the only one small error I saw them do. That’s it. I could care less about Al Gore. The whole concert wasn’t about Al Gore if you watched.

Best answer:

Answer by iraeblood
I don’t think more finger-wagging Gore-worshipping eco Marxists have been in one place at one time.

Give your answer to this question below!

Tags:earth, energy, Green, Live


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