Thursday, September 20, 2012

Green Modular Homes What does my dream mean?

Question by felixvbaldr: What does my dream mean?
Usually my memory of dreams is hazy but whilst asleep last night i dreamt and this morning it was still perfectly clear in my mind. So i’m taking the oportunity to have it anaylsed from an objective perspective…

The earlier part of the dream is hazy although i found myself in a sort of small mountain village, very green with people living in chalet-style modular housing. All of a sudden i remember arguing with a girl about something big and due to this arguement, the other inhabitants (none of whom i recognise – this includes the girl) of my dream and the village see me in a very bad light. I felt compelled to be acquitted of the blame which i undeservedly recieved and somehow i manage to turn the tables on this girl and thus everyone is hostile towards her. All of a sudden a sort of lynch mob comes and grabs her…time for vigilante justice. I am present the sort of informal trial that goes on outside her home and find that the only way to sort this out is to execute her by shooting. I then leave the trial and suddenly my conscience hits like a brick wall. I ask myself “would i be able to live with the death of this girl on my mind knowing it was only over an argument?”. I feel compelled to go and save her from her fate and run full pace through the village until i come to a rather modern looking bookshop. Morbidly, i ask the bookseller where the execution is taking place and she points me down a small flight of stairs to a sub level of the bookshop. Luckily i get there in time and i steal the girl away as the executioner is holding a snub nose pistol towards her forehead. I remember holding her tightly in my grasp as we climb the flight of stairs, yet the bookshop has now turned into a typical pub. As we near the exit of the pub, randomly these asian men come out and try to seperate me and the girl and so i must try hard to keep hold of her and fight them off. As we fight, in a sort of spinning motion (randomly) it seems the me and ‘girl’ are in the centre, spinning, me keeping hold of her and killing (i presume) these assailants. Finally when all is done and dead (oh dear), my arm i grasp her in an embrace and she returns it…then i woke up.

This, might sound like a cliche dream and i already have my own interpretation but i would really appreciate and outside view on this.

Best answer:

Answer by Peanut Butter
nothing, absolutley NOTHING! it’s just a dream!

Add your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Dream, Green, Homes, mean, Modular


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