Question by tonn: Ideas for decorating my living room?
We don’t have a lot of money to decorate, and we like what we already have, we just need some help with the finishing touches. Here’s what we have:
*dark olive/hunter green couch
*maroon lazy boy
*ecru carpet
*medium beige walls with light cream trim around the windows and baseboards
*medium oak mission end tables and TV stand
oh, and there are windows on all three walls and the living room runs right into our kitchen which is beige and deep teal.
Any ideas for what colors to use as accents? What types of decor to use on the walls? We don’t have room for any more furniture or anything, we’re just trying to decide how to decorate the walls. We have a few floating shelves on the one wall that we put holiday decor on, but I don’t know what to do when it’s not a holiday! It’s extra hard for me because I’m color-blind, so I’m never quite sure if color combos actually look good, or if I just think they look good! Thanks for your help!
Best answer:
Answer by chralissia
very rich colors I would use gold and clear glass for accents around the room…
what color are your window treatments ?
wall decorations are very personal… and should reflect your style or maybe where you live… windows on 3 walls you should have lots of natural light…hope you have a great view…
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Tags:Decorating, Green, ideas, Living, Room
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