Sunday, September 30, 2012

Energy Efficient Homes Liberals: Should we tear down all of the houses in the US that are not energy efficient and replace them?

Question by Ralph: Liberals: Should we tear down all of the houses in the US that are not energy efficient and replace them? With energy efficient homes using borrowed money from China? Wouldn’t this create a lot of jobs and save energy in the long run? If we did this AND high speed rail both just think about how much it would lower the deficit. Best answer: Answer by rohithc99Only an idiot liberal would think that. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:down, Efficient, energy, Homes, houses, Liberals, replace, should, tear, them...

Green Living GiftsPrimula TMV-2012 Flowering Green-Tea 12-Count Variety Pack with Gift Canister

Primula TMV-2012 Flowering Green-Tea 12-Count Variety Pack with Gift Canister Green-tea variety pack with 12 fragrant “flowering” tea balls AA green tea and dried flowers hand-sewn into balls by artisans in China Unfurl into full bloom when placed in hot water; 3 steeps each for 250+ cups of tea Includes health-benefit guide and fluted storage canister with a rope handle Measures approximately 3 by 3 by 6-1/2 inches Primula Flowering Teas are made by aritsans in China. The flowering...

Lime Green Living Room What color should I make my living room?

Question by Missing Yhu<3 R.I.P CJB!!: What color should I make my living room? I’m 13 and I’m moving downstairs =] My bedroom’s going to be lime green and light blue. I want it really girly. So not tan, brown, black, white, any boring colors. The furniture will be blue so I was thinking like, yellow and hot pink? Also, what color carpet? Im just getting rugs to use as carpet. So like, pink? Yellow? Best answer: Answer by Mari-SanLight yellow for the walls and for the rug do a yellow,blue multicolor rug mixed with a little green.Bring...

Green Smart Living Translate the following to Japanese please?

by Mulad Question by Minako-san: Translate the following to Japanese please? Hello. I am from Seattle. I live in Green Bay. I am tall. I have long hair. I like to read. I like to write. I like to play tennis. My favorite color is yellow. I am smart. I live in a city. The city has many buildings. The city has many streets. The city has many cars. The city has many people. It is pretty. Best answer: Answer by Menokuin character こんにちは。私はシアトルの出身です。私はグリーンベイに住んでいる。私は背の高いです。私は長い髪を持っている。私は読むのが好き。私は書いてみたい。私はテニスをプレーしたい。私の好きな色は黄色です。私はスマートです。...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Green Living Home Q&A: Is EVERYONE here earning a living wage in a harmless green job- close to home?

by jazzijava Question by Communist Cat: Is EVERYONE here earning a living wage in a harmless green job- close to home? Are we all exceptions with no rule? Best answer: Answer by scooterpoopThere’s no such thing as a “living wage”. If you’re ambitious you can support yourself without money. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:Close, earning, EVERYONE, Green, harmless, here, home, Living, wage ...

Green Living HomeGreen Living: How To Live A More Sustainable, Earth Friendly Lifestyle

Green Living: How To Live A More Sustainable, Earth Friendly Lifestyle Green living, the environment, being earth friendly, using solar and wind power – these are all very hot topics in today’s society. And thanks to recent government efforts, everyone is trying to learn how to make their own homes and lives more sustai List Price: $ 2.99 Price: $ 2.99 Tags:earth, friendly, Green, HomeGreen, lifestyle., Live, Living, more, Sustainable ...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Green Products where can i get green products for cheap ?

by RON SOMBILON MEDIA, ART and PHOTOGRAPHY Question by Mark: where can i get green products for cheap ? so far i searched the web a lot to find some green products for my house, so far i found one site that is the cheapest wanted to know if anyone knows about a cheaper place? Best answer: Answer by The Shoes!You could give Greenworks a try, they’re prices tend to be pretty competitive but I suppose it depends on what you’re looking for Give your answer to this question...

Tips For Green LivingIn Living Color - Season 3

In Living Color – Season 3 It's triple the fun with Season Three of TV's most outrageous sketch show, In Living Color. With its off-the-wall humor and in-your-face look at celebrities and pop culture, Keenen Ivory Wayan's creation has a comic boldness all its own. The ne List Price: $ 29.98 Price: $ 10.29 Tags:color, Green, Living, LivingIn, season, Tips ...

Green Living Blog 'Fess up ! Did you or would you do it?

by stewartbaird Question by Helen S: ‘Fess up ! Did you or would you do it? The world naked bike ride in London – over 1100 cyclists, one supporter running with them and even one on an exercise bike wearing a hazard jacket! Hi Michael and Filya! Refugees from the football noise? Grrrrr! Nutsters they said the spectators outnumbered the cyclist by 20/1 so i would guess quite a few! S-M Lol!...

Green Tips Does anyone know of a good reference for green living tips?

Question by Rob: Does anyone know of a good reference for green living tips? Looking for green living tips for my family now that we have a newborn coming Any cool websites? Best answer: Answer by AomeYou can install a green roof, that could help your family to save money.. What do you think? Answer below! Tags:Anyone, Good, Green, know, Living, reference, Tips ...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Why Go GreenKinetic Go Green Premium Nano Silver 14 Piece Food Storage Container Set (Includes Lids and Containers)

Kinetic Go Green Premium Nano Silver 14 Piece Food Storage Container Set (Includes Lids and Containers) Micro-particles of antimicrobial silver are infused into the polyproylene to protect the containers against mold, fungus and other microorganisms. Pateneted silicone gasket locking system and impermeable polypropylene containers keep out oxidizing Spillproof and shatterproof Dishwasher, microwave, freezer and refrigerator safe Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging Go Green...

Green TipEXPO For Use in Low Odor Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Green, 12-Count (80004)

EXPO For Use in Low Odor Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Green, 12-Count (80004) Premium quality with limited odor – ideal for classrooms, small offices and homes. Consistent, bold color quality, great erasability. For use on whiteboards, glass and non-porous surfaces. AP Certified nontoxic. Pack of 12 Markers Premium quality with limited odor—ideal for classrooms, small offices and homes. Consistent, bold color quality for bright, vivid messages. Great erasability. For use on whiteboards,...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Eco Friendly What is a good eco-friendly wet shave alternative to the Bic disposable razors?

Question by Don: What is a good eco-friendly wet shave alternative to the Bic disposable razors? They are really handy, but I know they are really environmentally unfriendly, they do blunt after about four or so shaves too, I just need something that’s easy to use, not too expensive, that will last longer and is eco-friendly. Thanks. Best answer: Answer by Davidany razor that uses disposable cartridges. you could use a straight razor, but the learning curve is steep, and the skill level is high. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:Alternative,...

Green Tip What do you think of green tip #326 will save you some money as well?

Question by Look at my titties: What do you think of green tip #326 will save you some money as well? Just pee in the tub or shower and it could save you at least several hundred of dollars from all those gallons you waste yearly Best answer: Answer by NinaSeveral hundreds of dollars?? you clearly do not pay a water bill. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:#326, Green, money, save, some, think, well ...

Green Living Blog So does this mean that energy saving doesn't make any difference?

Question by : So does this mean that energy saving doesn’t make any difference? Is this is true or not? If it is, then isn’t that a bit backwards? From [QUOTE]: “1. What they tell you: Turning off the lights saves CO2 What they don’t tell you: It makes sense for individuals to use less electricity to help reduce the emissions of British power stations. However, it’s worth bearing in mind that the total amount of CO2 that can be released by power plants...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Green Living Blogs List of cool stuff/things?

Question by : List of cool stuff/things? heres a list of some cool things. lemme know if you have anything else to add. Trees Dolphins Books The Beatles Dirt roads Peanut butter Glow sticks Hot Guys Blue skies Carnival rides Dogs TV Music Your mom Beaches Quarters Ducks Strawberries China Perfume (the good kind) Lotion Smooth skin Sunsets Sunrises Yellow brick roads Green Couds Flowers Flavored toothpaste Blogs (the good ones) Songs lyrics magic borders(the book store) nail polish converse/airwalks pretty colors...

Why Go Green Instead of a go green campaign why not have a live within your means campaign?

Question by lemontreegr: Instead of a go green campaign why not have a live within your means campaign? thats the best way to go green stop buying crap you cant afford who the he* needs a I phone or brand new clothing all the time Best answer: Answer by James R“live within your means” in America. what a cute idea…..sorry it’s not going to happen Even environmentalist know that “live within your means is” blasphemy in this country.. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:campaign, Green, instead, Live, means, Within ...

Green Living Consultant Where do I go, where is Home for me ? Help ...?

by Chris Devers Question by Amm B: Where do I go, where is Home for me ? Help …? I am a 27 year old Indian IT consultant who have been living in US for about a decade now. I finished my UG in BSEE (Barely Graduating) and roamed around most of USA here for various IT jobs. Now I have very few friends because of this moving, and no woman in my life. I saved money with intention of returning to India, but my parents and relatives question my returning and insist that I stay away. They have many...

Green Living Nyc NYC living... i need to know all about it!!1?

Question by : NYC living… i need to know all about it!!1? I am graduating in May with a Marking degree… Wanting to move to the good ole’ big apple. I currently live in Dallas, but have been to NYC a few times and love it. How do true new yorkers treat ppl with southern accents? I went to Chicago last year and was not treated nicely… green acres?? really?????? Anyway, I need suggestions as far as where to live. I would love to live in Manhattan but I don’t understand the concept of rent control. Can someone please explain this and help me out?...

Going Green What are some educational going green riddles?

Question by : What are some educational going green riddles? I need some like SOON and i tried to look for some on the internet but all the green riddles aren’t really educational and they need to be for teenagers. Oh and, if possible, can they cover topics like recycling, saving the planet, and well, just going green? If not, that’s fine too but it would really help. Best answer: Answer by EllaGo to they have many ideas there. What do you think? Answer below! Tags:Educational, Going, Green, riddles, some ...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Eco Green LivingYogi Tree Yoga Living Green Earth Friendly Yoga Mat

Yogi Tree Yoga Living Green Earth Friendly Yoga Mat Yoga mat made from 100% Polymer Environmental-Friendly Resin (PER) Extra thick yoga mat at 1/4″ offers comfort while still maintaining balance Extra long yoga mat at 72″ Anti-slip surface One tree is planted with every yoga mat purchase! Yogi Tree Living Green Earth Friendly Yoga Mat Yogi Tree is a brand specializing in earth-friendly yoga gear for yogis of all levels. With each purchase of our yoga mat we plant a tree to help save...

Green Living Show chantelle living the dream show had a green silk dress need to know where it is from?

by thegreenpages Question by hanifecilek: chantelle living the dream show had a green silk dress need to know where it is from? the dress was on this weeeks show- a greeen slip she wore on her date Best answer: Answer by filmmountsTry As Seen On Screen If they don’t have it you should be able to post a message or email about the item and have somebody help you What do you think? Answer below! Tags:chantelle, Dream, Dress, from, Green, know, Living, need, show, Silk ...

Simple Living Living organisms convert relatively simple food molecules into a complex structure as they grow.?

Question by Kiwikahuna: Living organisms convert relatively simple food molecules into a complex structure as they grow.? Living organisms convert relatively simple food molecules into a complex structure as they grow. Is this a violation of the second law of thermodynamics. Please explain. (20/25) thank you! Best answer: Answer by amansscientiaeNo. The second law of thermodynamics is the definition of temperature. It also says that heat, ALL BY ITSELF or SPONTANEOUSLY, only flows from hot...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Environmentally Friendly Products Shopping online for environmentally friendly promotional products?

by Smitten with Kittens Question by A M: Shopping online for environmentally friendly promotional products? Can anybody tell me where to I can shop online for eco-friendly promotional products? I want to give away mugs, coasters and things to help promote my business, but I don't want to add any more waste to the environment than I have to. On the other hand, I need quality promotional products that won't fall apart in the rain! Best answer: Answer by Pic NI found this place by googling "eco-friendly...

Green Technology how to make submarine move with new energy or green technology?

Question by Ique: how to make submarine move with new energy or green technology? i have a racing boat competition, and the task ask all the competitors to design a racing boat. our racing boat should moving by using a source that can produce a product with environment friendly concept. the source must use new energy or green technology… Best answer: Answer by ramrodYour question makes very little Sense what is your craft a submarine or a surface craft? Sail and motor or just motor displacement hull or planing. Know better? Leave your own...

Saturday, September 22, 2012


by freecandy13 Question by Naimah habibi: WITCH IS BETTER TO LIVE IN HOUSTON TX, OR AUSTIN TX.!!!!!???? SO CONFUSED!? Hey guys i really need your help im so confused! You see iv lived in houston all my life and i see it growing so much and becoming so beautiful but right now my life is no where and im alone now a days and maybe for a while so i said to my self why not start fresh some wehre new some where close to home. and well my mother use to live in austin and i remember visiting and it was...

Green Building How does one go into the green engergy and building field?

Question by theman: How does one go into the green engergy and building field? I have an interest in green energy and building and i was thinking on going into that career field. I want to work for a company that builds green and installs green energy and hvac systems. so like solar power and stuff. Im thinking on transferring into Purdue for building construction management and specialize in residential and electrical construction. would this be a good choice or should i become an installer and how would oe become an installer? Best answer:...

Why Go Green Why does Green Tea/Ginseng Make Me Go?

by BaileyRaeWeaver Question by Ryan: Why does Green Tea/Ginseng Make Me Go? I’ve tried several adaptogens out there. I notice that whenever I have green tea and/or ginseng, I have to go to the restroom really quickly. It seems to go out of me really quickly. It does still give me somewhat of a mental and physical boost, but I’m going to go back on Rhodiola Rosea. Best answer: Answer by oldtimekid2Well, my first question would be if it’s a tea (liquid) or a pill. If it’s a pill and you run...

Green Living RoofCalifornia National Academy of Sciences Detail of Living Roof, Green building - 16"x20" - Fine-Art Gicl??e Photographic Print by Carol M. Highsmith

California National Academy of Sciences Detail of Living Roof, Green building – 16″x20″ – Fine-Art Gicl??e Photographic Print by Carol M. Highsmith California National Academy of Sciences Detail of Living Roof Photographer Carol M. Highsmith Photographs America offers thousands of landscape and city views. As well as thousands of historic prints from the Library of Congress Collection. Each print is carefully packaged in either a strong card-board tube, or in a heavy duty card-board envelope...

Green TipSharpie Permanent Marker, Chisel Tip, Green, 12 Pk

Sharpie Permanent Marker, Chisel Tip, Green, 12 Pk Sharpie Permanent Marker Green 1 Box of 12 Markers Sharpie Marker features a unique antiroll barrel design and wide-edged tip for both thick and thin marking lines. The durable tip and ergonomic pen-like shape provides comfortable, versatile use. Marker has a pocket clip, chisel tip and quick-drying, List Price: $ 13.49 Price: $ 13.49 Tags:Chisel, Green, Marker, Permanent, TipSharpie ...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Eco Friendly Gifts Does anyone know of any shop selling recycled / eco friendly gift articles?

by trilliumartisans Question by shweta: Does anyone know of any shop selling recycled / eco friendly gift articles? Best answer: Answer by and sothere was one but it closed What do you think? Answer below! Tags:Anyone, Articles, friendly, gift, Gifts, know, Recycled, selling, shop ...

Green Living Articles Q&A: dyeing my hair with lemon juice/don't want to go out into the sun/is it good for my hair/other natural ways?

Question by LovelyLafayette: dyeing my hair with lemon juice/don’t want to go out into the sun/is it good for my hair/other natural ways? these are the instructions i will be flowing for a couple days do lighten my hair color * Mix 1 cup organic lemon juice and 3 cups Chamomile tea. Message into your hair and spend some time in the sun. Far faster results repeat a few times a week. * Mix up mashed organic Rhubarb with 4oz organic pineapple juice. Let the mixture soak into your hair and spend some time in the sun. * Mix 3/4 cup...

Green Energy Live What have Conservatives got against Green Energy?

Question by Humanist: What have Conservatives got against Green Energy? Do they not live on the same planet as we do? Best answer: Answer by Johnny SokkoIt doesn’t work. If there was an energy source as efficient as coal or oil, and not more expensive, people would use it. As it is, the government has to artificially prop up companies like Solyndra (with out tax dollars). When that money runs out, the company collapses. Is there an electric car that runs as well, and does NOT cost twice as much as a comparable gas powered vehicle? So, the...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Green Smart LivingGreen, Greener, Greenest: A Practical Guide to Making Eco-Smart Choices a Part of Your Life

Green, Greener, Greenest: A Practical Guide to Making Eco-Smart Choices a Part of Your Life How green can you be? Green: Drive the speed limit Greener: Drive a fuel-efficient car Greenest: Bike or walk The perfect guide to help readers decide how to best spend their time and money to protect the environment, Green, G List Price: $ 14.95 Price: $ 0.01 Tags:choices, EcoSmart, Green, greener, Greenest, Guide, Life|, LivingGreen, Making, Part, Practical, Smart ...

Green Apartment LivingFunky Randy Birdhouse 16" Bird Double Holed Apartment House Green, Yellow, Blue Free Standing R-104

Funky Randy Birdhouse 16″ Bird Double Holed Apartment House Green, Yellow, Blue Free Standing R-104 Made by Funky Randy with cedar wood and approx 16 inches long Green house with yellow roof, with blue flooring. Double holed Usable for birds and bottom unscrews to make easy cleanup Holes surrounded with vines Classic, Classy, with unique and rare design This gorgeous birdhouse is made by Funky Randy with cedar and painted green with yellow roof and blue bottom floor. Unique, rare and...

Green Smart LivingGreen Coffee Bean Extract, 400mg Per Capsule, 60 Capsules, 100% Pure All Natural Formula

Green Coffee Bean Extract, 400mg Per Capsule, 60 Capsules, 100% Pure All Natural Formula 800 mg. Per Serving All Natural Weight Loss Formula As seen on Dr. Oz Show Increase Metabolism and Lose Weight Naturally Contains GCA This product contains GCA. On sale through Sunday so be sure to get your orders in. For the next two weeks when you purchase this product you will receive a free 5 day trial of our most popular product Rasberry Ketones. Like the Green Coffee Bean Ex List Price:...

Go Green TipsAES Industries "Go Green" Aluminum Reusable Spray Can

AES Industries “Go Green” Aluminum Reusable Spray Can “Go Green Can” 100% Aluminum reusable spray can holds up to 16 fl. oz. Includes 4 spray nozzles Coarse Spray, Medium Spray, Fine Mist and Jet Stream Nozzle with Straw included As easy to use as an aerosol sprayer, just point and shoot paint, household cleaners, penetrants, solvents, etc. Refillable and rechargeable using compressed air up to 90 PSI If you run out of product or want to change liquids, just depressurize, refill , close...

Green Modular Homes What does my dream mean?

Question by felixvbaldr: What does my dream mean? Usually my memory of dreams is hazy but whilst asleep last night i dreamt and this morning it was still perfectly clear in my mind. So i’m taking the oportunity to have it anaylsed from an objective perspective… The earlier part of the dream is hazy although i found myself in a sort of small mountain village, very green with people living in chalet-style modular housing. All of a sudden i remember arguing with a girl about something big and due to this arguement, the other inhabitants (none of...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Green Living Communities Q&A: How does living greener affect me and my community?

Question by : How does living greener affect me and my community? Generally, we can be safer, global warming will be slowed, and fossil fuels/resources could be saved. Are there more reasons? Best answer: Answer by DarbThink about nature and animals. What do you think? Answer below! Tags:affect, Communities, community, Green, greener, Living ...

Eco Friendly Gifts What is a great eco-friendly Christmas gift?

Question by Jackie: What is a great eco-friendly Christmas gift? My dad is a HUGE environmentalist. We had florescent light bulbs, hybrid cars, and green cleaning products. What is a good gift to get him? I was thinking about buying one of those plant a tree things…but i don’t know where you get them. Any help or advice? Thanks! Best answer: Answer by inkdroppget him some canvas shopping bags. Walmart even sells them, its so you don’t have to use the plastic ones that get thrown away that you see blowing in the wind and stuck on chain link...

Sustainable Living What can one do in day to day life for a sustainable living?

by bricksandbread Question by sicba2222: What can one do in day to day life for a sustainable living? What lifestyle changes one can bring to lead a Sustainable, environment friendly life Best answer: Answer by JasperUse perennial Vegetables. instead of annuals. Plant edibles including trees, vines, bushes, and ground-covers, to reduce your carbon footprint and have a “farmer’s market at home”. Avoid using dust blowers and other dust-producing equipment. Use compost barrels. Create your...

Green Technology Q&A: Which would create more good paying jobs?Reversing our trade deficit by exporting more oil or green technology?

Question by : Which would create more good paying jobs?Reversing our trade deficit by exporting more oil or green technology? Oil would need to be drilled and/or refined. Green technology would need to be manufactured. Which plan of reducing our consumption of foreign sources of energy and improving our balance of trade do you think would create more good paying jobs? Why? Best answer: Answer by ChristianOil, because we have so much of it in North America. Matthew, I wanted to say thank you for asking a genuine question this time. Give your...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Brown And Green Living Room IdeasSuncast FS4423 Outdoor Screen Enclosure

Suncast FS4423 Outdoor Screen Enclosure Decorative screen conceals air conditioners, garbage cans and trash dumpsters 4 panels and 5 posts can be arranged in “L”, “U”, or zigzag shape Durable resin construction Steel posts with water resistant powder-coated finish Each panel 44 inches tall by 23 inches wide Outdoor Screen Enclosure Our Outdoor Screen Enclosures provide privacy for patios and decks or can conceal air conditioners and garbage cans. Made of durable, all-weather resin,...

Pure Green Living Is my Husky Puppy pure?

Question by : Is my Husky Puppy pure? I got a Siberian Husky puppy, but I am starting to wonder if it is pure of not. He is 2 and a half months old. We were told it was, but his ears seem longer than they should, and they flop at the top instead of standing up as they should. Also, his colors are not quite what I’ve seen in the past. He he mostly brown, with a faint black line across his back, he does have the black rings around his eyes with the shite above the black rings. His eyes are difference colors (I know this is common Huskys) One eye...

Green Living Home Q&A: If my wife has an at home birth, is this considered living green?

Question by : If my wife has an at home birth, is this considered living green? She plans on crapping our kid out in the bathtub Best answer: Answer by Jade Robin Suzume-KarasumaI dont know but its free Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:birth, considered, Green, home, Living, this, wife. ...

Monday, September 17, 2012

Green Modular HomesTupperware CRYSTALWAVE 3 qt GREEN MICROWAVE BOWL

Tupperware CRYSTALWAVE 3 qt GREEN MICROWAVE BOWL 3 Qt / 3 L Bowl LIME AID (Green in Color) 10″ Diameter, 3 1/2″ height 25cm diameter x 9cm height Dishwasher Safe Use the Microwave Bowl to cook or reheat your favorite foods without taking off the lid. Heat vent opens to allow steam to release and keep the inside of your microwave splatter-free! List Price: $ 12.00 Price: $ 12.00 Antec EarthWatts EA-750 750 Watt NVIDIA SLI 80 PLUS Power Supply 750Watt. Continous rated power...

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