Question by LiAn: When you travel with a Green Card, do you need an American passport, or a passport from your home country?
I just got approved for permanent residency today, at my initial interview. I have a trip to my home country planned for december. I still have my Belgian passport, which is still valid for a couple more years. I was wondering if that’s what I’ll keep on using since I am still a Belgian citizen. If so, how do I renew this once it expires, since I live in the US.
Thanks !!
Best answer:
Answer by Brother_Hesekiel
You will get a US passport once you are a US citizen. Until then, you will need your Beligian passport in order to even be allowed to enter a plane for an international flight. You will need the same passport and the Green Card to be allowed on a flight back to the US.
The Green Card allows you to visit Canada and Mexico without a visa.
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Tags:American, Card, Country, from, Green, home, need, passport, Plans, travel
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