Question by : Survey: What do you like to see in magazines?
Hey guys! I’m taking a survey of what people like in magazines. Our magazine is intended for teens (13-19 yrs young!) and maybe even for those spunky young adults! My friend and I want to make a magazine and live the dream, but of course it’s up to YOU! So, we are asking for as much feedback as possible, so please (if you can) send this message/forum to your friends.
We intend on making this magazine for girls( SORRY WE CAN’T TELL YOU THE NAME, WE DON’T WANT IT STOLEN…) so please keep in mind NO boyish things like dead bodies (long story). So finally thanks guys for reading and responding (if you do).
ANY EXTRA IDEAS NOT IN SURVEY COMMENT BELOW. AND FOR INSPIRATION AND ADVICE! please no bullying we know this is a little out there, we understand, but we are at least going to try. We have years ahead of us.
______ Magazine
p.s. vote for which #’s you like…
1.) fashion/style/models
2.) makeup/hair/accesories
3.) go green
4.) sports
5.) gossip/celebrities/quizzes
6.) cutesy arts-n-crafts
7.) keep fit and healthy ideas/ recipes
8.) animals
9.) great opportunities/ sweepstakes
Best answer:
Answer by MissingNo
girls like seeing hot girls in magazines. They need people to look up to, you kno?
Add your own answer in the comments!
Tags:Green, like, Living, magazines, Survey
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