Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Eco Green Living How can I live more Green and Eco-Friendly?

Question by Ashie: How can I live more Green and Eco-Friendly?
As it is, I walk mostly everywhere I go, so as not to add more car transmissions into the environment. I recycle paper, bottles, and cans. But what else can I do to live more green and eco-friendly?

Best answer:

Answer by C J
Your choice in what goods you buy makes a big difference. For example, Scott toilet paper and Kleenex (owned by the same company) are made from ancient growth trees. A more ecofriendly approach would be to buy these products made out of disposable cotton, or from post consumer waste, such as 7th generation products, You could also adopt to using a hanky instead of tissues.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags:Ecofriendly, Green, Live, Living, more


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