Question by angel l: Living Green. . . . . . .?
I am all about living green. I completely believe that we need to step up and take care of our planet earth. There is one thing that I am kinda stuck on though. I see that grocery stores are selling cloth bags to carry your groceries home in. I totally understand why this is so. Plastic takes forever to decompose. When I take my plastic bags home with groceries I usually save them and use them in my small trash cans around the house. This way I feel that at least they are getting more than one use out of them. If I were to go out and buy the cloth bags and reuse them then what would I use in my trash cans?? I would probably have to buy small plastic trash can bags that will only get one use. This to me defeats the purpose of the whole thing in the first place. Does anyone see where I am comming from and if you I have missed something or you have other ideas, please let me know!
Best answer:
Answer by sas556
You are completely right. However, most people aren’t as smart as you and just keep throwing them out as well as buying trash bags. The store’s solution (reusable grocery bags) is best for the most amount of people. In my area at least, you can still get plastic, so you could still do it your way. Your idea is really good, though, and stores may change their minds if you talk to them about it. Just try and get your ideas out there to local (espescially eco-freindly) retailers.
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Tags:Green, Living
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