Question by randbj: How can I find good Border Collie breeders in my area that sell extremely smart dogs?
Hi I wanted to spend a lot of money on a puppy training it – about 28 thousand dollars to teach him a lot of commands and to teach him to pick up the phone when it rings, open doors, push my wheelchair and help me cross the streets when the lights are green. I live in california and I looked at the smartest border collie that lives in england right now his name is benji and is owned by clive pedley I offered the owner 20k but he refused. the dog knows the name of different toys and people and also knows obedience commands. it also brings whatever you tell him to bring. He can open the fridge and bring whatever you desire and he picks up the trash on the floor and puts it inside the trash can. He also barks when you tell him to bark and silence when u tell him to.
thank you
Best answer:
Answer by shadowatdustcatcher
German Shepherd or Golden Retrievers are better for the tasks you want. I train Borders, They have bred in instictive traits that I assign MY signals to. Answering a phone is not something that fits that description. The Border is very demanding of attention. They also need lots of exercise or else they will act out. Enjoy doing more research.
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Tags:area, Border, breeders, Collie, dogs, extremely, find, Good, Green, Living, sell, Smart
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