Question by WitnessofJesus: what does living “green” mean to you?
i read on yahoo QA someone asked if everyone is enjoying a green life!
i say Hell NO. to be truely GREEN one must live in a world without electricity,
grow their own food, shovel their horses manure and slop the pigs. Going green truly means getting rid
of all sky scrapers and living in cohesion with the land so that NONE of the environment is destroyed.
in my opinion to ask people to live in a green world is to reject modern mans technologies
and to go back a hundred 50 years. I think these people are hypocritical on every level
Best answer:
Answer by Megz775
I think you can still be green and not primative. Technology has improved our way of life. Proof of that is the increased life span, due to medical technology. The problem is that in the beginning, no one did anything to prevent the destruction of our environment. When Cananda got bent out of shape about factories in the Northern U.S. polluting their country, those factories were relocated to Mexico. We can’t change the past, so now we have to find a way to either fix it or prevent further damage.
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Tags:Green, Living, mean, Technologies
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