Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Green Living Project Q&A: if halliburton were to produce,manufacture & build projects for green living, would the government finance it?

by LexnGer Question by allan y: if halliburton were to produce,manufacture & build projects for green living, would the government finance it? Best answer: Answer by en tu cabezawhat you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have...

Eco Friendly Homes Q&A: eco friendly home cleaning materials for business?

by Terry Wha Question by Joanna G: eco friendly home cleaning materials for business? hello, I would like to start a small business. I’m very aware about climate change, global warming and all that that’s why I came up with an idea to start making Eco friendly cleaning materials i could sell here in our village. Please help me, give me tips, suggestions or websites where I can find ways to make one. It will be deeply appreciated. Best answer: Answer by maryanne gWe have awesome cleaning products...

Green Living Consulting Can i renew my green card if it expried 9 years ago and both of my parents are US citizens?

by || UggBoy♥UggGirl || PHOTO || WORLD || TRAVEL || Question by : Can i renew my green card if it expried 9 years ago and both of my parents are US citizens? Hi, I got a green card when i was 12 years old in 1991 that expired in 2001. Since i was 13 i have been living in Israel. As i have mentioned both of my parents are US citizens but got their citizenship after i was 18 so i was not entitled for an automatic citizenship. I am 30 now and my green card has been expired for 9 years now. ...

Green Living GiftsEmily Green Mealtime Bowl, Houtie Ya Love

Emily Green Mealtime Bowl, Houtie Ya Love Mealtime bowl from the imagination of Emily Green Made of the finest-grade durable melamine tableware and stringently tested to meet all FDA standards; BPA free Bowl has a 6″ diameter Coordinates with Emily Green’s imagination mats, tumblers, plates, and utensils to make mealtime fun for the whole family All of our mealtime dinnerware is dishwasher safe Turn meal time into imagination time. Friendly to kids of all appetite sizes, these durable...

Monday, July 30, 2012

Eco Green Living Why do questions from the "Green Living" section always get featured on the front page?

Question by R: Why do questions from the “Green Living” section always get featured on the front page? Why? I think I could post “How can I dispose of my farts greenly?” in the Green Living section and it would get featured, like every other question in that section. Its weird, has Yahoo become eco-fanatical or something? Best answer: Answer by lady.jujubeeyahoo is coo coo bananas Give your answer to this question below! Tags:Always, Featured, from, Front, Green, Living, Page, questions, section ...

Green Living ProjectKnitting Green

Knitting Green Dimensions: 9 in. H x 8.5 in. W x 0.5 in. D Weight: 1.13 ounces Made in US Detailing a wide range of perspectives and approaches to environmental issues, this unique crafting manual offers ideas for knitting conscientiously. Leading figures of the industry, from designers to yarn company executives, share their methods for List Price: $ 24.95 Price: $ 11.20 Tags:Green, Living, ProjectKnitting ...

Green Living Forums Q&A: Getting Indian Passport (Born in Tibet, Studied in India, Married to Indian, living in USA)?

by \!/_PeacePlusOne Question by Pema L: Getting Indian Passport (Born in Tibet, Studied in India, Married to Indian, living in USA)? Sounds a little complicated.. Here is my situation.. I was born in Tibet but my parents moved to India right after my birth.. I did all my school and Bachelor’s from India. I worked for an Indian company for 3 years. Now I am in USA. and recently got married to an Indian. I have a Tibetan Green Book (travel document), which doesn’t have Indian Visa, so I cannot...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Green Living FurniturePlatypus Designer Duct Tape Argyle

Platypus Designer Duct Tape Argyle Beautifully printed. Seamless in both directions. Uses a strong micro-weave cloth backing for superior strength and printing. Perfect for crafters and hobbyists in additional to regular duct tape uses. 32 feet by 2″ Our PlatypusTM line of designer duct tape makes the world’s most versatile tape stylish and fun. Perfect for marking luggage, repairing clothes, book covers, making wallets, decorating shelving, fixing drumsticks, covering hula hoops and...

Green TipsThe UFO

The UFO List Price: $ 1.99 Price: $ 1.99 Tags:Green, TipsThe ...

Green Living Magazines What are some REALLY good restaurants in the Roseville, CA area?

Question by greyeyedgirl: What are some REALLY good restaurants in the Roseville, CA area? I’m not talking TGIF kind of good. I’m talking – WOW – I’m eating amazing authentic food. I’m looking for Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Thai, EVERYTHING! We tried Mikuni Sushi – which was TOP rated and in all the magazines. ICK! It was exactly like a TGIF version of Japanese food. The Green Salad had some weird creamy Parmesan dressing – no carrot/ginger in sight. Retch! HELP! I have been living in NYC for 11 years and have been spoiled by amazing food....

Eco Friendly HomesGo Green!

Go Green! List Price: $ 1.99 Price: $ 1.99 Tags:friendly, Green, HomesGo ...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Green Living DallasNFL Dallas Cowboys High Top Table

NFL Dallas Cowboys High Top Table Made of light weight, sturdy aluminum. Folds up into a 40″x16″x3″ nylon carry case! The ultimate table for tailgating, the high top table is great for outdoors, barbecues, sports and family functions. The surface top and skirt represents a football field which can have you favorite team or school displayed. You simply fold up, gra List Price: $ 99.99 Price: $ 99.99 Tags:Cowboys, Dallas, DallasNFL, Green, high, Living, Table ...

Green MaterialsBrady 86619 4" Width x 7" Height, B-851 Economy Polyester, Green on White Inspection and Material Control Tag, Header "Eye Wash Station Inspection", Pack of 10

Brady 86619 4″ Width x 7″ Height, B-851 Economy Polyester, Green on White Inspection and Material Control Tag, Header “Eye Wash Station Inspection”, Pack of 10 Brady B-851 is used for marking on-the-spot warning of dangerous conditions Brady B-851 conforms to OSHA specification 1910.145 for accident prevention tags Service temperature: -40 degree F to 212 degree F (-40 degree C to 100 degree C) Brady’s Inspection Tags inform employees that equipment has been inspected, and is safe and...

Environmentally Friendly ProductsRubbermaid Commercial Steel 26-Gallon Silhouette Recycling Receptacle for Paper, Legend "Newspaper", Round, Silver

Rubbermaid Commercial Steel 26-Gallon Silhouette Recycling Receptacle for Paper, Legend “Newspaper”, Round, Silver Stunning, contemporary look. Fire-safe construction and stylish lid complement any setting. Llid opening fits your recycling need. Designed for easy emptying. Factory applied designer die-cut decal identifies waste type. Stunning, contemporary look. Fire-safe construction and stylish lid complement any setting.Llid opening fits your recycling need. List Price: $ 600.01...

Why Go Green Q&A: Does anyone have any idea why green tea does this to my eyes?

Question by lbowen2018: Does anyone have any idea why green tea does this to my eyes? Anytime I drink green tea my eyes start feeling funny and I cannot focus them on anything. Literally, it feels like I go cross-eyed everytime (but my eyes never really do that.. it just feels like it.). Anyone know why this happens? Im not allergic to anything and I drink tea all the time but it is only green tea that does this.. Best answer: Answer by woman-on-a-missionYou know I really don’t know why but it has happened to me too, I always blamed the caffeine....

Friday, July 27, 2012

Eco Green Living Green Living-Does your family own one of them new eco friendly flat screen TVs?

Question by Mr.Funeral: Green Living-Does your family own one of them new eco friendly flat screen TVs? I saw how Ellen DeGeneres gave everyone in her audience 32 inch inch Insignia LCD HDTV Best answer: Answer by Daisy questioning my stuffIt’s not “green” to throw good stuff into the landfill. It’s not green to go buy new stuff just because it says it’s green. If you really wanna be green buy less stuff you don’t really need. Throw less stuff away. check this out www.storyofstuff.com What do you think? Answer below! Tags:family,...

Green Living Roof Q&A: What color siding/trim with a dark green metal roof?

Question by arkmom: What color siding/trim with a dark green metal roof? We live in a 70s contemporary 2 story house (3 counting walkout basement), very streamlined with tall windows and angular built-up roof (almost flat). We are adding a partially covered wrap around deck and a dark (Ivy Green) metal roof. Next we hope to get new siding and I’m looking for suggestions for the main and trim color. Our house is set in the woods so we want it to blend somewhat, yet bring it up to date with the changes we’re making. Thanks for your help! Best...

Renewable Energy What are alternative energy and renewable energy used for?

by bricksandbread Question by : What are alternative energy and renewable energy used for? What and how are renewable energy used for? Uses such as green cars, lighting and heating. Pleease help me by explaining in detail how and why it works. Best answer: Answer by Alan WEnergy is simply energy – it is no colour. The green and alternative relate to how they are produced. So usually they will end up either as motive power for a vehicle or in the national grid along with all the non-green...

Live Green How to live a green life in a not-so-green household?

Question by Leah L: How to live a green life in a not-so-green household? My family recycles, but that’s about it. I really want to live a greener lifestyle. I’m only 17. What are ways in which I can do so? Best answer: Answer by Tommyif you and the world would stop wasting things,life would greener for you.good luck,i try to do my part and fear it is not enough.please help me and be proud to do your part whenever you can.thanks tommy What do you think? Answer below! Tags:Green, household, Life|, Live, notsogreen ...

Renewable Energy What percent of renewable energy sources do energy providers use?

Question by rohanrt001: What percent of renewable energy sources do energy providers use? I have to give a speech for a class where i have to persuade the audience to vote for a bill which requires all energy providers in the US to have at least certain percentage of its energy source from renewable sources. I need to know how much they use now, so that i have an idea of how much the required percent would be reasonable. If you know any representative who has proposed a similar bill, please let me know. Best answer: Answer by PROFESSOR SCIENCEless...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Green JobsGreen Jobs for a New Economy: The Career Guide to Emerging Opportunities

Green Jobs for a New Economy: The Career Guide to Emerging Opportunities Green Jobs For a New Economyacknowledges the global and national movement toward sustainability and its influence on today's education consumers, who view this concept not only as a major factor in choosing a college or university, but also as a gu List Price: $ 21.95 Price: $ 1.99 Tags:Career, Economy, Emerging, Green, Guide, jobs, JobsGreen, Opportunities ...

Green Energy How many jobs did Obamas Green Energy policy create in Seattle at the cost of $20 million dollars?

by Green Energy Futures Question by : How many jobs did Obamas Green Energy policy create in Seattle at the cost of million dollars? Obama spent $ 20 million dollars on Green Energy in Seattle. How many jobs did it make? And since he had to print $ 20 million dollars to create them how many jobs did he cause to be destroyed? Best answer: Answer by JayleenGreen energy’s purpose isn’t to create jobs moron. Give your answer to this question below! Tags:cost, Create, Dollars, energy,...

Green Home Design Should green homes with solar power, energy savings technology?

by Clarkston SCAMP Question by TheTribb: Should green homes with solar power, energy savings technology? Tax exemptions to homes designed to save and create energy shoul be a national debate. Best answer: Answer by niteowlI don’t even see the need to debate- they should be provided incentives to build them. It costs to build the technology into the homes, but once built they pay for themselves in savings. Do you mean that discussion should be encouraged? yes by all means. And you’re doing...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Eco Friendly Q&A: What are some eco-friendly ways to prevent hookworms from eating my tomatoes?

Question by [177]: What are some eco-friendly ways to prevent hookworms from eating my tomatoes? I have Roma, Big Beef, and Cherry tomatoes, but I haven’t seen evidence of hookworm feeding yet. I’d like to find an eco-friendly preventative method, if there is such a thing. Any ideas? Best answer: Answer by pushin up daisysAren’t hook worms the ones that hide at the base of the plant? If it is I’ve heard of putting collars on your plants. Cardboard and tinfoil are two that I’ve heard of but not sure which one is better. Let me know. Give your...

Green Living Products which step in this process can YOU impact the most by using green living principles?

Question by patzky99: which step in this process can YOU impact the most by using green living principles? HARVESTING of raw materials. can include timber, agriculture, aquaculture, mining. MANUFACTURING of raw materials into usable products. can include assembling, processing, smelting, pulpmaking. PACKAGING of product. can include paper, plastic, metals, styrofoam. DISTRIBUTING products to consumers. can include trucking, shipping, air, railway, manpower. CONSUMPTION of product by user. DISPOSAL of waste and unused product by consumer....

Pure Green Living Does Al Gore spread political propaganda?

Question by Jalapeno Farts: Does Al Gore spread political propaganda? Read the link below and see how much truth is in Al Gore’s Video “an inconvenient truth”. Do you think “Global Warming” and “Green Living” are pure political propaganda and a way to raise new taxes? There is big business in the making (e.g. the palm oil industry) that harms earth rather than saving it, all in the name of “Green Living.” Do you think “Global Warming” is real and man-made or are we fooled by spreading fear? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/earthnews/3310137/Al-Gores-nine-Inconvenient-Untruths.html...

Eco Friendly Homes *limitations* and *objectives* of eco-friendly homes?

by Rjabinnik and Rounien Question by gem: *limitations* and *objectives* of eco-friendly homes? need it urgently…:( !! Best answer: Answer by Jelly-Bellychange your lightbulbs to all the twisty ones? Give your answer to this question below! Tags:*limitations*, *objectives*, Ecofriendly, friendly, Homes ...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sustainable Home DesignKodak ESP C310 All-In-One Printer

Kodak ESP C310 All-In-One Printer Print photos directly from your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad device with the free KODAK Pic Flick App Utilizes high-quality, low-cost pigment-based KODAK 30 Series Ink Cartridges Ideal for everyday printing with easy Wi-Fi setup to connect to your wireless home network One-touch print, copy, scan functionality Uses less energy – up to 71% less energy while in standby mode than previous KODAK AiO Printers Affordable, high quality every day printing Uncompromising...

Green Living Homes Are the poor bearing a disproportionate amount of the responsibility for green living?

by itmpa Question by Wooderson: Are the poor bearing a disproportionate amount of the responsibility for green living? It seems to me that the wealthiest 10% of the population are doing about 90% of the polluting. They drive yachts, they fly private jets (and more commercial flying than middle class and poor), they have more cars (manufacturing pollution), they drive more miles (more pollution), they tend to have nonproductive/luxury type professions (movies, television, or executive positions),...

Eco Friendly ProductsEco Baby Wipes Organic Chamomile and Calendula 72 Wipes

Eco Baby Wipes Organic Chamomile and Calendula 72 Wipes 72 Wipes Serving Size: Soft & thick 100% biodegradable wet wipes with soothing organic chamomile and calendula Isnt it always a pleasure to use a soft and thick wipe, Baby? Whats more, these wipes are 100% biodegradable so they help look after our environment. They have be List Price: $ 5.99 Price: $ 3.14 Tags:Baby, Calendula, Chamomile, friendly, Organic, ProductsEco, Wipes ...

Green Energy Live Given The Real Opportunity, Would You Live At A Resort That Was "Green" & Energy Positive?

Question by mylinkforever@yahoo.com: Given The Real Opportunity, Would You Live At A Resort That Was “Green” & Energy Positive? “Energy Positive” means that the Resort would produce more energy than it uses….therefore helping the community that it’s built in and helping the planet! Would you consider selling your current home and moving? If leasing, would you move? Would you invest a little extra for your new home if you knew that it would help your community and the planet? How much more? How soon would you move? Clarifications: : ...

Energy Efficient Homes How much energy does an energy-efficient home use?

Question by : How much energy does an energy-efficient home use? Ideally, if one were to consider energy efficiency from the building process and utilized technologies such as compressed earth blocks, a geothermal heat transfer system, energy efficient windows and solar screens, in addition to energy efficient appliances and electronics throughout the home, approximately how much energy would such a home consume if you assume typical appliance/electronic usage? Assume a 2000~2400 square foot home in Texas. The idea would be to use solar panels...

Green Living Furniture How to paint a dining room and living room with a hunter green carpet?

Question by VeeMarie: How to paint a dining room and living room with a hunter green carpet? I am moving into a house that has a hunter green carpet in the living room and my furniture is a beige color…. and in my dining area the carpet is also the same color… but the kitchen is right next to it… and I dont know what color to use when I paint the L.R. and D.R/Kitchen!! HELP!!! Best answer: Answer by ChazeraiWHITE! Make color in paintings, etc. Give your answer to this question below! Tags:carpet, dining, Furniture, Green, Hunter, Living,...

Go Green Tips Dyed my bleach blonde hair tips green ?

by familymwr Question by : Dyed my bleach blonde hair tips green ? I am going back to my original hair color brown I bleached my hair 3 months ago Recently I added turquose tips They faded to green Will deep rich brown hair dye cover my green tips? Thx(: taylor Best answer: Answer by ladeedaIt might, if it doesnt you will just have to cut your hair. But I am pretty positive its going to cover it. Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:Bleach, blonde, Dyed, Green,...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Green Living Show what no longer showing animated tv show had green characters and robots living in a cyber world on c.n.?

by thegreenpages Question by : what no longer showing animated tv show had green characters and robots living in a cyber world on c.n.? it was on cartoon network and the main character was a green guy with an eye patch or something was wrong with his eye. please help Best answer: Answer by cIf you know the approximate date it came out you can find it in this list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animated_television_series Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Tags:animated,...

Green CompaniesAbracadabra Cadabra Ca-Green!

Abracadabra Cadabra Ca-Green! List Price: $ 1.99 Price: $ 1.99 Cyalume SnapLight Industrial Grade Chemical Light Sticks, Green, 6″ Long, 12 Hour Duration (Pack of 10) SnapLight industrial grade green light stick for providing illumination for up to 12 hours Measures 6″ long and provides 360 degrees of illumination Hook and gate top for hanging or attaching the light Chemiluminescent substance is non-toxic and plastic body is phthalate free for safety Five-year shelf life from...

Green Living Room Walls I want to paint my living room walls I have dark green couches?

by little.greene Question by trestidda: I want to paint my living room walls I have dark green couches? Best answer: Answer by way2smartTaupe or beige looks good with green Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:couches, dark, Green, Living, paint, Room, Walls, want ...

Green Modular Homes Q&A: Sustainable Modular House, good investment?

Question by : Sustainable Modular House, good investment? Hi I am doing a report for school. Can you see if this summary makes sense? Also if you have other questions, please let me know. Thanks in advance! Article: http://www.djc.com/news/en/12021147 Summary: Johnny Hartsfield was frustrated with the state of sustainable, affordable housing in Seattle. He and his best friend started GreenFab LLC in 2008. The company specializes in creating modular houses that is both sustainable and affordable. GreenFab, offers a basic LEED gold modular house,...

Eco Friendly Gifts Good eco-friendly gifts for my friends?

by trilliumartisans Question by Megan: Good eco-friendly gifts for my friends? Both guys and girls, everywhere from 13 on up. None of them are very “green” and I want to spread the Earth-love! (Please, no more than 30 dollars or so per person) Best answer: Answer by irish1The site below supports several good causes, and has many reasonably priced items available in their store. What do you think? Answer below! Tags:Ecofriendly, friendly, Friends', Gifts, Good ...

Sustainable Green Living Q&A: can you please help me with this about Sustainable Living?

by Green Alliance Question by yahoo: can you please help me with this about Sustainable Living? Making environmentally based commitments as a country raise other questions. Our collective resurces should benefit the country and not just individuals, right? To what extent should our government be investing in green technologies? Should we let these technologies fend for themselves in a world market or should we provide tax breaks and special funding to support them? Are these any areas of sustainablity...

Go Green TipsiGo PS00133-2007 Laptop Anywhere Charger (Green)

iGo PS00133-2007 Laptop Anywhere Charger (Green) Uses over 85% less standby power than a standard charger Compatible with most popular laptops ? 8 iGo laptop power tips included. Compatibility with included tips: 706 Advent, ASUS, Computer Technology; 702 Dell Link, Everex, Fujitsu, Gateway Includes USB port for charging other mobile devices. Works worldwide, no need for a voltage converter when traveling. Charge almost any laptop from this power saving wall charger. Integrated iGo...

Austin Green Living Q&A: How do you care for a Pear Tree?

by nffcnnr Question by amareia: How do you care for a Pear Tree? I just recently purchased a house that has a pear tree in the front yard. It is fairly tall, and is bearing fruit. I do not have a green thumb at all. I live in Austin, Texas. How often do I water, fertilize, spray? Help! Best answer: Answer by Gayle CDo nothing. The more you do for them the worse they get. Maybe a little water, but I have some in my back yard and I don’t do anything to them. Know better? Leave your own answer...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Green Living Room Walls I would love to do two adjacent living room walls newt green and the other 2 chocolate brown?What do you think?

by Gamma-Ray Productions Question by Faith Marie: I would love to do two adjacent living room walls newt green and the other 2 chocolate brown?What do you think? I want to add interest to the living room but are two sets of “Accent walls” silly since there is no accented wall? And NO I don’t have weird taste. Go to benjaminmoore.com and pick a room such as Living Room 6 and put in the wall color Newt Green and Ceiling Color Chocolate Candy Brown. The room should be Tawny Brown. Now if you do...

Eco Friendly Homes Q&A: What are some books that teach you how to build Eco Friendly homes?

Question by Beth: What are some books that teach you how to build Eco Friendly homes? Im working on a plan to build a very small ECO FRIENDLY house. Its so little the correct term for it should be a shack. I want to buy some books that teach me how to build a house but in a completely eco friendly way. I want the house to be very Earthy and be close to the earth in perspective. I would prefer a book that shows me how to reuse discarded materials while making the house. I don’t want to buy many of the materials. Best answer: Answer by Michael...

Green Home Plans Can I be a stay at home mom and keep Green Card Status?

by jazzijava Question by Epanema: Can I be a stay at home mom and keep Green Card Status? I have had my green card for about 3 years, and plan to stay at home (quit job) to take care of my baby. Will I lose my Green Card Status if I quit my job? Best answer: Answer by Bassman58No, you won’t. Permenent residency is not affected by your employment. Add your own answer in the comments! Tags:Card, Green, home, keep, Plans, Status, stay ...

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